
Bitcoin IRA

Bitcoin image

It is time to take advantage of Bitcoin IRA’s. Cryptocurrency is the future of transactions. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been around for over a decade and have shown remarkable growth. Cryptocurrency allows for cheaper and more secure transactions independent of banks.

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It is time to take advantage of Bitcoin IRA’s. Cryptocurrency is the future of transactions. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been around for over a decade and have shown remarkable growth. Cryptocurrency allows for cheaper and more secure transactions independent of banks. Keep in mind that past performance is no indication of future results, and all investments or assets could lose value in the future due to a variety of financial factors.

Bitcoin is up almost 59,000% since it was created in 2013. It is the “Amazon” of cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin price graph

Coin IRA, a sister company to Goldco, was one of the first companies to offer investors like you the option to invest in cryptocurrency as part of your IRA.

Only you know your financial situation, but savvy investors leverage diversification to protect themselves financially. With the current state of affairs with inflation, supply chain issues, increasing gas and food prices, you need to do more than just getting nothing or next to nothing for your money sitting in the bank, a CD, or other low growth investment.

Why a Bitcoin IRA?

Bitcoin IRAs are a way to avoid capital gains taxes while building wealth. Without an IRA, you would be subject to capital gains taxes on cryptocurrency transactions. A self-directed IRA will eliminate or at least defer these taxes.

Is Bitcoin a good investment for retirement?

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are volatile assets with more risks than assets most people invest in, however, for the long term, it is a great way to diversify your portfolio, with more upside than other alternative assets.

Where can I start a Bitcoin IRA?

CoinIRA.com is a sister company to Goldco, a company that has been selling gold, silver, and precious metals for years. They are trusted and rated well by the Better Business Bureau. By setting up an IRA with CoinIRA, you can eliminate or defer taxes whereas buying and selling crypto on Robinhood, Coinbase, and other exchanges do NOT protect you from capital gains taxes.

Why invest in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency?

For each technological advancement, there is an S-curve of the 5 stages of market penetration. You can see in the chart below, we are still in the early phases of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency usage. The phone, television, cars, Internet, and smartphones have all gone through this process. We are still in the early phases of adoption where there is a lot of opportunities as this technology matures. You don’t want to be a laggard.

Bitcoin adoption graph

Who is using cryptocurrency?

In 2020, it’s estimated that 5-6% of the US either owns or uses a cryptocurrency. Percentage-wise, there are other countries that are ahead of the US like India (9%), Switzerland (11%), and Peru (16%). More countries are adopting it because they don’t have banks in every community, but cell phones are everywhere. People in rural areas are able to do business one-on-one without relying on a bank, checks, or physical money.

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